• Nala

    2000 - 2013

    Nala was my first Golden Retriever and was in every sense of the word, my baby. We had so many first together as I grew into a woman and mother, so did she. 

    Golden Retrievers are often referred to as angels due to their angelic personality and golden blonde features. “Nalangel” was created around her name - Nala-Angel. As well as my middle name being Angela, it fitted perfectly. 

    Nala was perfect in every way, she was intelligent, placid, friendly, and had a smile like a wide open hug and wagging tail which soon brightens a dull day. Her best quality was her gentle disposition and her mothering instinct, a trust I had with her to take care of any infant. She would position herself around my toddlers to stop them tumbling over and was always so patient with her own cheeky puppies.

  • Scar

    2004 - 2019

    Our special boy, our little man.

    Scar was the son from our Nala and Woody litter. He had the most beautiful face that would light up a room with his great big golden smile! He had such a great blocky head and fun-loving personality that made us laugh at his silly antics. Scar loved his chew toys and would always parade around with one of his toys in his mouth, waiting to elicit playtime.

    He was a great friend to his mother, Nala and we share many happy memories together as a family.