Hi, I am Kathryn and my love for Goldens started in 2000 when I saved up to buy my first Golden Retriever, Nala at the age of 16.  She was my first baby and we spent all our time together. If I wasn’t at school or working as an apprentice hairdresser, we loved going for river walks, playing in the back yard, running along the beach and snuggling on the trampoline. We especially enjoyed our obedience training classes that my parents would drive us to every week. 

I did my research when looking for Nala and bought her with the intention that I might want the option to breed a litter from her one day and a few years later decided to become a ethical breeder, now that Nala had passed her health testing and was deemed to be a quality bitch. I was mentored by long-time Golden Retriever breeder Lorraine Harrowfield, who allowed me to use one of her males at stud and on Valentines Day in 2004 my first litter was born.

Oh it was the joy of my life to be able to breed sound, happy Golden Retriever puppies and share this joy to more families. We ended up falling in love with one of the male pups who we named ‘Scar’ (to keep in with the Lion King theme) and kept him as a pet dog. Nala and Scar were amazing together and lived a long,  happy and healthy life with us as we welcomed our own children, William born in 2009 and Olivia born in 2011 which became our focus as well as running my own hairdressing business from home.

Our Golden Retrievers were the most perfect family pets we could have asked for with our children. Their kind nature, playfulness, friendly smile and tongue kisses left us with many happy memories and milestones until Nala passed in 2013.

In 2019 we bought our dream property - a 5 acre coastal bush acreage in Freshwater Creek, Victoria - just west of Torquay’s beautiful beaches. This would be our new venture to set up a sustainable, off-grid lifestyle to enjoy as a family. We were fortunate to bring Scar to the property for a walk before he sadly passed just before Christmas 2019.

Now that the property has been set up, my dream to keep breeding Golden Retrievers has been reignited, in which we welcomed our beautiful cream girl, Pearl to the family! We are so excited to have our dream property and have the space to breed sound, happy, confident and loving Golden Retrievers and share the love and joy they bring to your life with others.

Please follow us on Instagram @Nalangelgoldenretrievers to keep up to date with our golden girl Pearl and our beautiful family, as well as future plans and litters.

We are members of

Dogs Victoria​ No - 3100017257

Golden Retriever Club of Vic​​toria.

PER - RB224197